Saturday, September 09, 2006

Can it be done ?

Can I double my way to a million dollars ??
I'd have to say yes, but the real challenge it seems will be not touching it before then !

I year ago I did do something similar. I won $100 and in 6 months turned it into $2,500 simply by buying low & selling high !

When I did this, it was a great learning experience. I learnt so much about what different people collected and what types of things are collectable.

So for this challenge, I am going to log every step of the way online. I'm not going to actively tell people I know what I'm doing, but if they find the blog, then fine :D

So where did I come up with this idea ?
I didn't !

This Guy posted on the One Red Paperclip Trading post about his journey. I kept reading every post he made, read all the resources he sighted and decided it was time for me to get working !!

At first I was pretty doubtful that I would find any money at all. I live in a small town with about 500 people and lets face it, most in NZ are pretty tight fisted and wouldn't let the small change escape ! Also, our "government" has decided the lowest amount we should have is $0.10 ! Zimbabwe anyone...???

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