Double From A Penny To A Million - Another Tack...
Double From A Penny To A Million - Another Tack...
I should probably mention another tack i'm taking....
Every year I have an impressive display of Poppies. These are the deep red Papaver Somniferum L. (Yes, that is the Opium poppy...)
The Hammonds brought this with them in the last 1/2 of the 19th century when they came from England to NZ.
These poppies have been self seeding since 1870 !
Anyway, I usually gather the seed and sell it on TradeMe. I usually make around $500 a year from this. However, each year I have more and more seed !This year, instead of just doubling the amount given to people or giving it away, I've decided to take the left over and sell it on the American eBay.
As I understand the law in both countries this is perfectly legal and my strain of Poppy is particularly unusual in that it gives off between 12-24 flowers/pods.
To clarify, this is seed I would normally do nothing with as I have so much of it ! I think that is then fair to say I wouldn't get money from it otherwise and so can use it for my doubling.
1 comment:
You definitely come up with very interesting products to sell.
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